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The London Bird Team in collaboration with Upper Thames River Conservation Authority is pleased to be hosting our first accessible birdwatching outing in London as part of Birdability Week 2021 on

Sunday October 24, 2021 starting at 10 am

at Kilally Meadows Environmentally Significant Area


Click Here to Register


What is this about?

"Birdability Week is a celebration of birders with disabilities and other health concerns, and an opportunity to share resources and ideas to help the birding community be accessible, inclusive and welcoming to everybody and every body!" Source: Birdability


This will be an accessible, inclusive birdwatching outing that is open to families including children. We will be highlighting birds and engaging in birdwatching suitable for beginners, but the event is open to anyone with or without birdwatching experience.


See the Eventbrite page for more details and to register.



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